Online examination evaluation software automates the assessment process, streamlining the evaluation of online exams. It offers features such as By automating many of the manual tasks involved in evaluating online exams, this software helps educators save time and effort, while also providing valuable data for improving instruction and student learning.
It allows educators to create and manage a repository of questions, making it easy to reuse questions and create new exams. This feature grades objective questions like multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank automatically, saving time and reducing human error.
This software covers the entire procedure beginning from Student Enrolment up to Degree Certificate generation. Courses, Subjects and Exams are designed as per University’s requirement. Entire examination procedure involving colleges, students and university including online fees management is included in this software. Cloud based software is supported by few offline modules as per requirement. Prestigious institutes like Gujarat Ayurved University and Institute of Teaching in Research & Ayurveda are using this software.
OMR Checking software reads answers ticked by students on OMR Sheet. Nowadays it is very necessary to prepare objective exam’s result very quickly. This software helps to process result quickly in accordance with various combinations of Question Paper Booklets. G.A.U. and I.T.R.A. is also using this Software for their routine examinations as well as for Recruitment / Entrance Examinations.
This system allows papers to be evaluated online. Digital / scanned copies of written papers can be checked using this system. It helps to fast and error less marking and result preparation. Multiple evaluation of the same paper can also be possible using this system. Gujarat Ayurved University and I.T.R.A. are using online paper checking system for their Ayurveda Courses.